There are many ways to be involved!

Graduate and professional students can be involved in systemwide decision-making spaces: participating as a StAR, being involved in committees as student observer, or making a public comment.

Apply to be a Student Advocate to the Regents.

Make a public comment at the Regents meetings.

Apply to be a student observer at Regents Meeting Committees.

Apply to be a graduate representative at UC Systemwide Committees.

Student Representation Matters in Decision-Making at the University of California

Student Advocates to the Regents

Student Advocates to the Regents (StARs) are funded to travel to the Regents meetings to provide public comment on pressing student issues. StARs are allowed 'backstage' privileges to speak with the Regents informally and engage in student advocacy.

StAR Travel Information

The next board meetings are listed here:

If interested, please complete and submit the following application. This is an opportunity for Graduate and Professional UC students. If you are not selected for the next board meeting , we may consider your application for future opportunities (please let us know in the application if you would be interested in attending other upcoming board meetings). If you are a UC undergrad apply here.

Visit this page to learn more about the UC Regents, past meeting minutes, and scheduled meetings:

Travel logistics:

StARs will be reimbursed for incurred travel expenses subject to caps. Email us at to learn more.


You must be a UC student and able to travel and attend ALL days of the meetings.

For more info, contact us at

Raise up your voice. Be a StAR today!

Apply now.

Make a Public Comment at the Regents Meetings

Regents’ Board Meetings are in-person and are available to watch live online.

Submit a written comment

Send an email to with the subject line “Written Public Comment - Agenda Item xxx” no later than 48 hours ahead of the first board meeting session. Your comment will be shared with the members of the Board or Committee you addressed.

Sign up to make a live in-person or phone comment

Send an email to with the subject line “Live Public Comment - Agenda Item xxx” no later than 5 pm of the day before the public comment period. Provide your name, phone number, presentation modality (in-person or by phone), the day you are available to speak (see Regents Meeting Agenda), and identify the matter you will address. Public comments are less than 1 minute long.

Be available to be called at the beginning of the public comment period. Our Director of Organizing, Adam Cooper, recommends that you watch the Regents meeting live so you will know when you will be called. Remember to unblock unknown calls to your phone. If you are speaking in person, arrive early to check-in.

For full comment guidelines, visit the Board of Regents webpage.

Student Observers

1. To provide students with a direct voice in the consideration of matters before the Board of Regents, a Student Observer may address each of four Standing Committees on open session agenda items at meetings of those committees. There shall be one Student Observer per committee.

2. The Student Observer shall notify the Secretary and Chief of Staff to the Regents at least one week prior to the date of the committee meeting identifying the specific open session agenda item(s) to be addressed by the Student Observer.

3. The Student Observer shall be seated at the presenter’s table for the duration of the Committee’s consideration of the item and shall address the Committee members on the agenda item(s) at the time of the Committee Chair’s choosing. The Student Observer shall have up to five minutes to address the Committee. Unless the Student Observer is a member of the Student Advocates to the Regents (StAR) program on the day of the committee meeting, the Student Observer shall sit in the seating area reserved for the public when not addressing the committee.

4. Students apply to be Student Observers via an application form on UCSA’s and UCGPC’s websites. Any changes to the application form shall be made in consultation with the Office of the Secretary and Chief of Staff. UCSA and UCGPC shall nominate at least three students in good standing to the Secretary and Chief of Staff for each Standing Committee selected. Each Committee Chair shall appoint the Student Observer to that committee. Each student appointed shall serve the committee for the duration of the academic year; no substitution of Student Observers shall be permitted. If a vacancy occurs, UCSA and UCGPC may solicit applications for a new Student Observer using the process outlined above.

5. The Secretary and Chief of Staff will notify the Student Observers of all upcoming committee meetings. The Student Observer may request audiovisual assistance and equipment for the presentations through the Secretary and Chief of Staff no later than one week prior to the scheduled meeting.

Requirements: A candidate must currently be graduate or professional student at one of the University’s ten campuses. At the time of application, the candidate must be in good academic and disciplinary standing and remain in good standing throughout their appointment as a representative. Applicants should be able to attend all committee meetings and participate in student representative conference calls as scheduled.

For questions or concerns, contact

Systemwide Committee: Opportunities to Serve as Grad Student Representatives

Apply for the Bonnie Reiss Leading on Climate Fellowship ($5,000) and Serve on Two Systemwide Committees!

Deadline is June 7, 2024 at 11:45 pm for UCGPC Board Review. Nominations will be sent to UCOP. Appointment of Fellow as early as July 2024.

Read the details here:

Running for Student Leadership Elected Officer Positions at UC Graduate and Professional Council

The University of California Graduate and Professional Council is looking for current graduate and professional students to run for three voluntary leadership positions with small monthly stipends: President, Council Chair, and Treasurer. To be eligible, candidates must be enrolled at a UC graduate or professional degree program for the entire term from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2026, and must be nominated by a current member of the UCGPC Board.

Preferred qualifications for the positions include engagement with a nonprofit organization or UC campus-based graduate and/or professional student government, leadership roles in student-driven groups or associations, proficiency in Robert's Rules and resolving procedural questions, organizational development skills, student-centered advocacy and political advocacy experience, as well as time management, patience, and relationship-building skills.

If you are interested in running for a leadership position, contact the executive vice president of your campus’ graduate student association, complete a self-nomination form, and make sure to attend the July 2024 council meeting where nominations will be made. This is a great opportunity to showcase your leadership skills and make an impact on the UC graduate and professional community.

Self-nomination form: 

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